Report Name: CUP Report
Description: Students volunteer for CUP throughout their medical school career. This report keeps track of how many CUP hours students have completed along with what kind of CUP events they participated to complete graduation requirements and earn graduation credit. This report shows the CUP hours with CUP title and date for each logged in student.
Report Name: Student Feedback on Away Electives
Description: This report collects feedback from students who have undertaken an away elective. To consume the Student Feedback on Away Electives dashboard, you will need read permission to the college data.
Report Name: Student Profile
Description: The following dashboard provides student curriculum information for pre-clerkship and clerkship courses. To consume the Student Profile dashboard, you will need read permission to the college data.
Report Name: WBA Clerkship-Students
Description: This dashboard is produced based on the data from work-based assessment (WBA) of clerkship student. To consume the WBA Clerkship dashboard, you will need read permission to the college data.