COM IT produces and publishes reports for our student data, faculty data, research data, and space data. The following dashboards are currently working in progress.
This report contains collected data provided by AAMC regarding medical college applications, matriculations, enrollment, graduation, and demographic data per year.
AAMC Survey
This dashboard contains the results from AAMC Group on Information Resources (GIR) Medical School IT Survey, which gathers information on leadership, financing, staffing, technologies, and emerging trends.
COM Help Dashboard
The COM Help Dashboard visualizes metrics regarding COM Help tickets such as status, ticket count, and ticket lifetime details.
COM-T HR Dashboard
The COM-T HR dashboards are designed to provide real-time insights into various HR metrics for the College and its departments.
EDGE Learning Report
Tracking the employees' EDGE trainings completion and expiration status from all UAHS departments.
Faculty Salary Survey Comparison
An overview and comparison of the survey from AAMC faulty salary (2018-2022).
ODIE Banner Applications
This dashboard contains the overview of dispositioned status of ODIE.
PEARL Performance Review
PEARL Report for strategic planning metrics FY22-24 for review across departments and mission areas.