Clerkship Management

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Report Name: Alternative Experience Information

Description: Contains data regarding uses of alternative experiences during student rotations. Report is comprised of: 

  • Alternative Experiences by Request
  • Alternative Experiences by Site
  • Alternative Experiences with Objective 

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Report Name: Clerkship H/HP/P/F Grading Distribution by Clerkship

Description: Clerkship H/HP/P/F Grading Distribution by Clerkship

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Report Name: Clerkship LogBook Overview - Live Data

Description: Shows the number of objectives logged for a clerkship by student, and a sum of the total number of objectives logged for the clerkship.

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Report Name: Clerkship Preceptor

Description: Lists the preceptors for each site.

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Report Name: Duty Hours Compliance

Description: Illustrates the number of duty hours logged by student by rotation. Additionally, it includes an average number of hours logged per week.

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Report Name: HP Feedback Completion - Live Data

Description: Shows which students completed H&P Clerkship Feedback. when they were observed, and who observed them.

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Report Name: Logged Cases and Procedures by Student 

Description: Shows data for the specific cases or procedures (objectives) logged by Clerkship students in the logbook for a specific clerkship.

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Report Name: Mid-Clerkship Formative Feedback

Description: Shows which students completed Mid-Clerkship Formative Feedback.

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Report Name: Mid-Clerkship Formative Feedback by Academic Year

Description: Shows which students completed Mid-Clerkship Formative Feedback, organized by academic year.

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Report Name: WBA Clerkship-Curricular Affairs

Description: This dashboard is produced based on the data from work-based assessment (WBA) of clerkship . To consume the WBA Clerkship dashboard, you will need read permission to the college data.

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Report Name: WBA Clerkship-Curricular Directors

Description: This dashboard is produced based on the data from work-based assessment (WBA) of clerkship. To consume the WBA Clerkship dashboard, you will need read permission to the college data.

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