The Strategic Planning eSubmission and eReporting Dashboard (SPEED) is a software solution developed by COMIT to streamline the strategic planning data collection and reporting process for the College. The primary objective of this solution is to alleviate the traditional data collection and entry burden on departments, while also enhancing data visualization and presentation through atomization. The reports generated by SPEED are accessible to both departmental units and college administration as data is continuously collected and entered throughout the year.

To consume the SPEED dashboard, you will need to get an active UA NetID account and read/write permission to the data as per your role. Please contact COM IT through COMHelp to request the required permission.

We've made key updates to SPEED 1.4 this year. Watch our 3-minute video to see what's new. You may watch our 1.3 video for updates from the last year.  
If you're looking for our presentation slides from our user training sessions, you can find them here: 
And for answers to frequently asked questions, please check out our FAQ


ACCESS SPEED 1.4 reports >>>

ACCESS SPEED 1.3 reports >>>

ACCESS SPEED 1.2 reports >>>